100 Words

Mayank Khanna
2 min readMay 22, 2022


So just this other day I read in a newsletter how writing 100 words each day for 100 days would not only help build a writing habit but also help in improving the power of expression.

It might come to your surprise that I also do feel that this is necessary not only for budding and aspiring writers but for anyone who has to deal with even writing small emails to clients or even their colleagues. Ever wondered how some emails that we receive or some stories we read catch our attention so much that we are very very impressed by them, even though they could be from someone we hate.

Power of expression is one of the qualities that every person should possess because you might need strength to lift a 1000 kg rock, but if you have good verbal and written expression, you can build a team to work on that. We have seen how Hitler and many other great leaders motivated the mob so much that they were ready to lay down their lives for the cause these leaders were campaigning or fighting for.

It's funny how sometimes 100 words seem less and those same 100 can sound like an entire essay. One place where this scenario is faced is when we express our feelings. We can write poems and essays to impress our crush, but saying “I love you Mom and Dad” seems fine. The entire reason why it feels like this is because our mind thinks that we need to convince the other person with our words. Sometimes a few words do the trick but at times you can see someone saying hundreds of words and still not be sure what they mean. We need to be sure about the words we choose, how we express them and if they are meaningful enough. My favorite leader, Winston Churchill gave a 5-word speech that not only motivated the audience but gave a very crisp and important meaning. Those are the same words I’d end my today's edition of 100 words.

Never, Never, Never give up



Mayank Khanna

I love writing and expressing in the form of poem, articles and stories. I’m an SRE by the day and a writer by the night.