Struggle for a good blogging platform
I have been exploring various platforms for the search of that 1 catchy thing that makes me a fan and I stop wandering from one blogging platform to another. I have been to Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, even my own blog and at the end I’m here at Medium. Does it makes medium the better among the others ? No, definitely no.
In my opinion, a perfect platform is the one where you get world class writing experience on any device you choose to write. For example, my own blog has a wonderful web writing experience but I have to struggle to write something from my phone. I know you’d say that I’m a developer and I can change the settings and hell even code a new blog, but the question is not about creating a blog, its about maintaining one. I mean I can write all sorts of code and make fancy looking features but at the end of the day, I’m going to have to host it, i.e my money is gonna dry up even before I have a future of becoming a writer that inspires.
What next now ?
I will be rigorously use Medium and Tumblr for now and test who will win the race. Both the platform tend to keep the UI quite simple which helps me focus more on writing than making my text fly like a rocket from one corner to another ( I meant the stupid text animations ). One thing where Tumblr lacks is I cannot add a read more option for my post in it, however it allows me to post only images too. Medium, on the other hand looks quite formal. I think it feels like I should maintain a decorum and then write. But if a writers intentions and pen are held back, is it really a writers true work ? Well I guess we will have to find the answer to it in the coming few weeks, where I will be exploiting both the platforms to the end and crown my winner.
Which one do you think is a good platform ? Comment down and let me test that one out too.