Time fades away…

Mayank Khanna
3 min readJun 1, 2022

In one of my previous posts, I mentioned how time is very limited and no one has the power to control it. We must be smart and capable enough to seize the opportunities we get, say good words to anyone we meet and make sure to actually live the life we are gifted with rather than just breathing and passing time on earth.

In the rush of the materialistic world, we often forget what really matters in life. We are so obsessed with making money and showing off that we actually don’t realize how unknowingly we are making money but wasting something more precious, Time. Each of the 86,400 precious seconds we spend on something we know if it is worth it or not.

In the past 4 days, I’ve seen 2 of my favorite singers pass away. One that taught me what is love and what it means pleasant to heart and soul and the other taught me to never back down from any competition and always rise from the setbacks. Both these sudden tragic deaths have made me wonder how I should be taking my life forward. I have always lived freely and try to enjoy each and every moment in life but sometimes I give up because of work, sometimes my lazy side takes over and well sometimes I wonder laying in bed will any of the good I do will ever make change in the world.

Not very learned or spiritual person but I have surely learnt 1 thing, that no matter how small change you make in the world, it will surely make this world a better place. Now many of you would ask but how can we make a change we are too busy in life and work. Also another question that arises is money is important no matter what, how can we give up on that ??

In my opinion, every small action makes a change. For example, when you are at office and while you are checking in, ask the guard how is he, when you are distributing sweets or something to your team / boss, don’t be a the person who only celebrates with the known, give those laddoos to a stranger too in the office. Now how to overcome the lust for money, well it is after all lust and no matter how much you think you’ll never feel it is enough. But make sure to be available for your family and believe me when I say this, the most expensive gift ever you can give to a person is your time.

Yes, because your time, once gone will never come back. You can spend lakhs and earn them back again, but not time. I hope you all know the story of camel and its hump. You don’t ? Well that is a story of next time. So just keep in mind to appreciate each and everyone who is giving you their time, because you are special to them and out of the limited time they have they choose to be with you.



Mayank Khanna

I love writing and expressing in the form of poem, articles and stories. I’m an SRE by the day and a writer by the night.